I've been on a vacation. Doctor ordered, much needed. I go back to work full time next Tuesday and I was probably doing waaayyyyy more than I should have been. But all is well and I'm almost back to 100%.
I was super surprised and happy to recieve a Stylish Blogger Award nomination from DaPerfectMix from the great blog Mixing It Up with DaPerfectMix. Go visit her blog! She's a wonderful crochet artist and often posts pictures of her great designs. I am especially partial to her hats. If only one day I could make a hat that will fit the 'Fro!
To accept the award, the nominee must tell the reader 7 things that they might not know about them and then pass the award along to 15 other bloggers.
Here's where the promise comes in.
I looked through my blog roll and I realized I spend a lot of my blog reading time on sites that have lots of followers (and for good reason. I have nothing against the top blogs. I heart most of them.) and less time on smaller, less established blogs. There are a few notable exceptions, but for the most part, I've just skimmed the top of the blog pile and haven't sought out lesser known inspiration. While I could pass the award along to people who don't need the readership, who've probably had it before, I've decided to put off accepting the award and instead, have a promise to keep.
I promise that I'm going to dedicate the rest of my January blog reading time to find blogs with smaller readerships and to add my name to their follower's lists. Plenty of people are out there working hard and sharing great information and I'm missing it because I haven't made the effort to find them. For my friends who I already follow, don't worry, you're on my list.
So I'm on the hunt for stylish bloggers before I do my requiste post to accept the award I was so graciously given by DaPerfectMix. And at the beginning of next month, I will post links to those blogs old and new that I think deserve it!
If you know of a blog that I'm not following, that I should, please comment and let me know.
Peas and carrots,